Please, respond to the following discussion by using one reference from a peer-reviewed Nursing Journal not older than 5 years not from internet but from database.Discussion 2Charla Clervil    

Please, respond to the following discussion by using one reference from a peer-reviewed Nursing Journal not older than 5 years not from internet but from database.Discussion 2Charla Clervil                                                         NUR4667Problem/Issues related to healthThere are a lot health related issues with population all over the world but the one we will talk about the American Indians health issues. There is a cultural barrier, geographic isolation, low income. Some of the diseases that causes death are heart disease, cancer, injuries, diabetes and stroke.            A little history about the American Indians, a long history of underfunding of the Indian Health service has led to significant challenges (Warne & Bane Frizzell,2014). According to the journal American Indian and Alaska Native tribes have had a unique history with the united states, that is mixed with conflict, warfare, cooperation and partnership. They have a life expectancy that is 5 years less than the average Americans. Due to them having low funds it is hard to get all the care or the best care. Research shows that we need to identify dimensions of American Indians community capacity in relation to the funding application process. We need to look at the need of the community, networks, resources and community leadership (Pedersen & Brown, B. 2016).  By doing so we could improve health priorities by focusing on them. Education, raising awareness and understanding about the diseases, the resources to get help. They will benefit a lot in community teaching. Teaching how prevent diseases and live a healthy life. (Blais, 2016)            In conclusion, American Indians have many barriers stopping them from improving their healthcare. The culture, funding not counting predispose genetics to certain disease and eating lifestyle. In effort to help improve nurses and researchers and scientist should play their part in community teaching, studies on where to find resources to get funding and help.

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