Laws and the broader legal systems have been established, enforced, interpreted, and applied by human beings, and reflect the beliefs and values of the society from which they flow. According to Teite

Laws and the broader legal systems have been established, enforced, interpreted, and applied by human beings, and reflect the beliefs and values of the society from which they flow. According to Teitelbaum and Wilensky (2017), the law’s primary purpose is to organize and control the dynamic, complex society we live in through regulating a variety of relationships among parties who may have competing interests such as individual citizen and government, patients and physicians, beneficiary and public programs, or individuals and their families. This assignment will enhance your understanding of the importance and complexity of the U.S. legal system and its influence on public health outcomes.For this assignment, write a three-page essay that discusses some key features of the U.S. legal system and their applicability to public health. Compare and contrast some sources of public health law in the United States by clearly highlighting the areas where they complement and conflict each other and discuss public health law’s role in the everyday life of an American citizen.Your essay must include an introduction. You must support your arguments with evidence using a minimum of three sources from published resources with at least one from the CSU Online Library.The following resources may be helpful for you as you search the CSU Online Library for peer-reviewed academic articles:How to Find Journal Articles: to Find Peer-Reviewed Resources: Textbook: Teitelbaum, J. B., & Wilensky, S. E. (2017). Essentials of health policy and law (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.Please follow the directives to the letters

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