b’Select a healthcare organization with which you are familiar and identify one workplace issue or opportunity that it is experiencing. For example, a healthcare organization: xc2x95 Becoming more green and’

b’nSelect a healthcare organization with which you are familiar and identify oneworkplace issue or opportunity that it is experiencing. For example, a healthcareorganization:xe2x80xa2 Becoming more green and eco-friendlyxe2x80xa2 Reducing costsxe2x80xa2 Increasing productivityxe2x80xa2 Enhancing customer satisfactionxe2x80xa2 Improving employee satisfactionxe2x80xa2 Preventing medical errorsxe2x80xa2 Merging with another healthcare organizationxe2x80xa2 Creating and opening a satellite facility.Taking the role of a healthcare manager, outline the following aspects of the issueor opportunity:xe2x80xa2 Description of the workplace issue or opportunity (What you will solve)xe2x80xa2 Describe the relevant stakeholders (Including your role as healthcare manager)xe2x80xa2 Affect on the relevant stakeholders (How impacted)xe2x80xa2 Call to Action (Your intended outcome): (A) Improve a work method, (B) Solveproductivity problems, or (C) Address issues of qualityI have the annotated xc2xa0Bibliography already i will attach1. Format = typewritten, double-spaced 2. Margins = one-inch on top, bottom, left, and right of each page 3. Font style/size = Times New Roman or Courier/12 point ‘

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