b’Conduct a literature review paper (4 pages) about the impact of occupational health and safety (OHS) policies on dentistsxc2x92 performance in Saudi Arabia. This paper will be from an administrative poin’

b’nConduct a literature review paper (4 pages) about the impact of occupational health and safety (OHS) policies on dentistsxe2x80x99 performance in Saudi Arabia. This paper will be from an administrative point of view. (The paper about the following topics)1. Initial employment health screening2. Measures to control harmful occupational exposures, such as exposure to toxic drugs and harmful noise levels3. Periodic preventive immunizations and examinations4. Education, training, and interventions on safe patient handling5. Education, training, and interventions on managing workplace violence6. Education, training, and interventions for staff who may be second victims of adverse or sentinel events7. Treatment for common work-related conditions, such as back injuries, or more urgent injuriesxc2xa0xc2xa0xc2xa0xc2xa0- Avoid Plagiarism xc2xa0xc2xa0xc2xa0xc2xa0xc2xa0- 4 page xc2xa0not including the cover page and the references. xc2xa0xc2xa0xc2xa0xc2xa0xc2xa0- follow APA style. xc2xa0xc2xa0xc2xa0xc2xa0xc2xa0- provide in-text citation 7 references not late than 2013xc2xa0xc2xa0Kindly stick to your price if you change I will disputexc2xa0 ‘

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