b’Case Study: Cell Biology and GeneticsBelow are several case studies. Your instructor will either assign you a case study or have you select one. If all of the case studies have not been covered, your’

b’nCase Study: Cell Biology and GeneticsBelow are several case studies. Your instructor will either assign you a case study or have you select one. If all of the case studies have not been covered, your instructor may assign a case study that no one has covered. Be sure to integrate your knowledge of advanced physiology and pathophysiology across the lifespan with the clinical implications for the advanced practice nurse.Case Study Posting Requirements1.xc2xa0xc2xa0xc2xa0 Make sure all of the topics in the case study have been addressed.2.xc2xa0xc2xa0xc2xa0 Cite at least three sources; journal articles, textbooks, or evidenced-based websites to support the content.3.xc2xa0xc2xa0xc2xa0 All sources must be within five years.4.xc2xa0xc2xa0xc2xa0 Do not use .com, Wikipedia, or up-to-date, etc., for your sources.CASE STUDY ONEFelicity is a very busy 29-year-old woman in a professional career. She has diabetes mellitus, and is also pregnant for the first time. Due to her busy schedule, it took her three weeks to visit the family doctor to have the pregnancy confirmed. Felicity became very concerned when her physician asked whether she had been taking folic acid. It was all Felicity could do to remember to manage her insulin levels, and taking folic acid supplements was something she hadnxe2x80x99t even considered. Her doctor told her to take 600 xcexbcg of folic acid daily and advised Felicity to return later for maternal serum marker testing.1.xc2xa0xc2xa0xc2xa0 Explain the potential teratogenic effect of folic acid deficiency on the developing fetus. What other risk factor is noteworthy in Felicityxe2x80x99s case?2.xc2xa0xc2xa0xc2xa0 What is the benefit of maternal serum marker testing? What other test would be particularly useful to monitor the development of Felicityxe2x80x99s baby in this situation?3.xc2xa0xc2xa0xc2xa0 When is the fetus most vulnerable to the effects of teratogens and why?MUST BE FOUR PAGES LONG NOT INCLUDING TITLE AND REFERENCE PAGE THANK YOU! REFERENCES MUST BE WITHIN 5 YEARS OLD. ‘

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