Assignment: Conduct an assessment of the health care environment where you work (i.e. health department, long-term care facility, specialty clinic, inpatient hospital, etc). Specifically, examine pote

Assignment:Conduct an assessment of the health care environment where you work (i.e. health department, long-term care facility, specialty clinic, inpatient hospital, etc). Specifically, examine potential barriers that may exist for a member of a minority group that has a significant presence in your community (i.e. Native American, Cubans, Hmong). Using the criteria below (and explained in greater detail on pages 39 and 40), assess the potential organizational barriers to care in your work environment. Explore ways to decrease barriers to health care for this minority group so that your organization can strive for cultural competency.AvailabilityAccessibilityAffordabilityAppropriatenessAccountabilityAdaptabilityAcceptabilityAwarenessAttitudesApproachabilityAlternative practices and practitionersAdditional services

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