APA format 1 page long 3 references please use one from the reference and 1 from walden university library.  Due 9/14/19 by 9pm EST Online Environment  A significant challenge for online learning envi

APA format 1 page long 3 references please use one from the reference and 1 from walden university library.  Due 9/14/19 by 9pm ESTOnline Environment A significant challenge for online learning environments is to create a sense of community between peers and instructors. One method to achieve this is for instructors to share their authentic selves and stories with their students (Bristol & Zerwekh, 2011). Discussion forums offer the opportunity for instructors and learners to demonstrate their individuality without face-to-face interaction. Andragogy, or the study of adult learning, says that adults learn best when the content is relevant to their lived experience and when there is the opportunity for interaction between peers (Bradshaw & Hultquist, 2017). Relationship building is also crucial for instructor satisfaction, as well.  Smith and Crowe (2017) found that instructors were more satisfied when they had the opportunity to get to know their students. For the reasons above, utilization of video presentation of the instructor and use of discussion forum will allow a more personal experience of the online learning environment.Classroom Management            Nursing students are busy people who juggle many demands at once: family, work, and school, among other things. Students generally do not participate in optional ungraded assignments because of their time constraints (Bristol & Zerwekh, 2011). One strategy for classroom management is to decrease the feeling that students are doing busywork. This requires giving credit, in the form of points toward their grade, for their efforts.            In order to head off problems with netiquette, the nurse educator needs to lie out expectations for interacting in the online environment. This can include basic recommendations such as using a professional writing style that does not include short-hand or abbreviations (Bristol & Zerwekh, 2011). In the online environment, incivility is increasingly a problem that interferes with learning. Social media sites are often the forum for incivility between instructor and student. De Gagne, Yamane, Conklin, Chang, and Kang (2018) recommend implementing policies and guidelines in order to avoid unprofessional conduct in the nursing school environment.ReferencesBradshaw, M. J., & Hultquist, B. L.  (2017). Innovative teaching strategies in nursing and            related health professions (7th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett.Bristol, T. J., & Zerwekh, J. (2011). Essentials of e-learning for nurse educators. Philadelphia,            PA: F. A. Davis Company.De Gagne, J. C., Yamane, S. S., Conklin, J. L., Chang, J., & Kang, H. S. (2018). Social mediause and cybercivility guidelines in US nursing schools: A review of websites. Journal Of Professional Nursing, 34(1), 35–41. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2017.07.006Smith, Y. M., & Crowe, A. R. (2017). Nurse Educator Perceptions of the Importance ofRelationship in Online Teaching and Learning. Journal of Professional Nursing, 33(1), 11–19. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2016.06.004

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