Access of Care Assignment Directions: Completely answer each question below. In your answer, utilize evidence (cite and reference sources) and/or examples. All answers should be more than 50 words. 1)

Access of Care Assignment Directions: Completely answer each question below. In your answer, utilize evidence (cite and reference sources) and/or examples. All answers should be more than 50 words. 1) What is access of care? 2) How does service availability affect access of care? 3) How do affordability, physical accessibility (delivery), and acceptability (quality) of services affect access of care? 4) What are some barriers to access of care? 5) How is equity of access measured? Assignment Grading Criteria (Each question is worth 30 points) Question Grading Criteria Points Possible Subject knowledge 80 Mechanics of writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) 35 Included evidence or an example 35 Total 150

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