Exp22_excel_ch03_ml2_grades | Computer Science homework help
Exp22 Excel Ch03 ML2 Grades
Excel Chapter 3 Mid-Level 2 – Grade Analysis
Project Description:
As Dr. Dae Jeong’s teaching assistant, you maintain their gradebook for the ACC 200 Financial Accounting class. Dr. Jeong wants you to create a pie chart that shows the percentage of students who earn each letter grade. You will also create a bar chart to show a sample of the students’ test scores. Furthermore, Dr. Jeong wants to see if a correlation exists between attendance and students’ final grades; therefore, you will create a scatter chart depicting each student’s percentage of attendance with their respective final grade average.
Start Excel. Download and open the file named Exp22_Excel_Ch03_ML2_Grades.xlsx. Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the filename.
A pie chart is an effective way to visually illustrate the percentage of the class that earned A, B, C, D, and F grades.
Use the Insert tab to create a pie chart from the Final Grade Distribution data located below the student data in the range F35:G39 and move the pie chart to its own sheet named Distribution.
You should enter a chart title to describe the purpose of the chart. You will customize the pie chart to focus on particular slices.
•Apply the Style 12 chart style.
•Type ACC 200 Final Grades: Fall 2024 for the chart title.
•Explode the A grade slice by 7%.
•Change the F grade slice to Dark Red.
•Remove the legend.
A best practice is to add Alt Text for accessibility compliance.
Add Alt Text: Most students earned B and C grades. (including the period).
You want to add data labels to indicate the category and percentage of the class that earned each letter grade.
Add data labels in the Inside End position. Select data label options to display Percentage and Category Name. Remove the Values data labels.
Apply 18-pt size and apply Black, Text 1 font color to the data labels.
You want to create a bar chart to depict grades for a sample of the students in the class.
Create a clustered bar chart using the ranges A5:D5 and A18:D23 in the Grades worksheet. Move the bar chart to its own sheet named Sample Scores.
Customize the bar chart with these specifications:
· Style 5 chart style
· Legend on the right side in 11 pt font size
· Light Gradient – Accent 2 fill color for the plot area
The chart needs a descriptive title.
Type Sample Student Test Scores for the chart title.
Displaying the exact scores would help clarify the data in the chart.
Add data labels in the Outside End position for all data series. Format the Final Exam data series with Blue-Gray, Text 2 fill color.
The student names display in reverse alphabetical order on the category axis. You want to display the names in alphabetical order, format the axis, and add Alt Text.
Select the category axis and display the categories in reverse order in the Format Axis task pane so that O’Hair is listed at the top and Sager is listed at the bottom of the bar chart.
Select the category axis and change the font size to 12.
Add Alt Text: Quinn earned the highest scores on all tests. (including the period).
You want to create a scatter chart to see if the combination of attendance and final averages are related.
Display the Grades worksheet. Select the range E5:F31 and create a scatter chart. Cut the chart and paste it in cell A42. Set a height of 5.96″ and a width of 5.5″.
Add Alt Text: The scatter chart shows the relationship between final grades and attendance. (including the period).
Titles will help people understand what is being plotted in the horizontal and vertical axes, as well as the overall chart purpose.
Make sure the scatter chart is selected. Type Final Average-Attendance Relationship as the chart title and bold the title. Type Percentage of Attendance as the primary horizontal axis title, and type Student Final Averages as the primary vertical axis title.
To distinguish the points better, you can start the plotting at 40 rather than 0. Make sure the scatter chart is selected.
Apply these settings to the vertical axis of the scatter chart:
40 minimum bound, 100 maximum bound, 10 major units, and Number format with 0 decimal places.
Make sure the scatter chart is selected. Apply these settings to the horizontal axis: 40 minimum bound, 100 maximum bound, automatic units.
Adding a fill to the plot area will add a touch of color to the chart.
Make sure the scatter chart is selected. Add the Parchment texture fill to the plot area.
You want to insert a trendline to determine trends.
Make sure the scatter chart is selected and insert a linear trendline chart element.
You want to add sparklines to detect trends for each student.
Insert Column sparklines in the range H5:H31 using data in the range B6:D31 on the Grades sheet. Display the Low Point. Set the Vertical Axis Minimum and Maximum Values to be the same for all sparklines.
To make the Sparklines more effective and easier to read, you will increase the row height.
Change the row height to 22 for rows 6 through 31.
Save and close Exp22_Excel_Ch03_ML2_Grades.xlsx. Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed.