Advocacy speech topic selection | English homework help
1.Please provide a link to the website of the advocacy group you will be speaking about during the Advocacy Speech. Remember how “advocacy” is defined for this assignment (if you forgot, please read the instructions once again).
2.Please provide the mission statement of the advocacy group you will be using during the Advocacy Speech.
(Please do not provide a link as your response to this question, please copy and paste the mission statement into the response.)
3.Please provide a narrative from someone whom your organization has helped through their action regarding the social issue.
(Please do not provide a link as your response to this question, please copy and paste the mission statement into the response.)
- Student’s must identify the narrative of someone who has been helped by the advocacy group and the work the group sponsors or service it provides.
- An effective narrative provides; context, meaning, and interest to listener and speaker.
- Therefore, the narrative you provide should do the following:
- Help you understand how the individual is being hurt by the social issue;
- Demonstrate the effectiveness of the advocacy group’s work to address the social issue.
- You need to find the the narrative interesting.
- Often times, students will provide information what the group does, and while that may address the first two tenants of a narrative, that information often fails at the last because it isn’t that interesting.
- The narrative will provide the most compelling part of your speech and therefore the success of your speech depends upon the effectiveness of the narrative.