Why do you suppose networking is frequently a more successful means of finding a new position than other means such as answering employment ads? Why is it claimed that the majority of union elections

Why do you suppose networking is frequently a more successful means of finding a new position than other means such as answering employment ads?Why is it claimed that the majority of union elections are won or lost by management long before a union ever appears?How has the recent years’ trend toward reengineering, reorganizing, and the formation of health systems contributed to employee stress?https://books.google.com/books?id=CRoXytHLmK0C&lpg=PA505&ots=mDIvxfr3MX&dq=How%20has%20the%20recent%20years%E2%80%99%20trend%20toward%20reengineering%2C%20reorganizing%2C%20and%20the%20formation%20of%20health%20systems%20contributed%20to%20employee%20stress%3F%20umikers&pg=PA505#v=onepage&q=How%20has%20the%20recent%20years%E2%80%99%20trend%20toward%20reengineering,%20reorganizing,%20and%20the%20formation%20of%20health%20systems%20contributed%20to%20employee%20stress?%20umikers&f=false

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