Throughout this course, you have considered the various aspects of public health in your community. Now, you will put it all together and reflect on what more needs to be done in your community and wa

Throughout this course, you have considered the various aspects of public health in your community. Now, you will put it all together and reflect on what more needs to be done in your community and ways to reduce costs.For the Unit VIII Reflection Paper, reflect on how this class(Public Health Concepts) has increased your knowledge about your community.Based on your research, what do you see as the biggest issue facing your community?What recommendations do you have for solving this issue and improving the health of your community?How would you reduce medical costs in your community?Your reflection paper must be a minimum of two pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages. Outside sources are not a requirement for this assignment. Consider what you learned during this course and how you can use that knowledge to help your community.Course Textbook: Schneider, M.-J. (2017). Introduction to public health (5th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning

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