HIM 410 Week 3 Course Project

This file of HIM 410 Week 3 Course Project comprises:The demographic site analysis provides a summary of a specific market area. For this paper component, you should choose a specific geographic area (locality, zip code, or census tract) and prepare a demographic profile of the people who live there from data available at www.census.gov or from other demographic resources you may find (maybe from the local Chamber or government sources). This profile should provide specific information, including relevant facts and figures. You are encouraged to include graphs or charts that help describe the demographics of your geographic area (at least one is required). Be sure to cite all of your sources within the text and at the end of the paper in the Reference listing.Based on this demographic profile, you will analyze what sort of healthcare needs one might anticipate in the geographic area. In other words, what does this demographic profile tell you about the needed healthcare services or products? Are all these needs currently being met? If not, which needs might provide a market opportunity? During this section, you will get a better idea of what healthcare entity to chose in your budget planning and analysis.The length of the demographic site analysis should be 300 to 600 words. You should cite all sources in APA style, both in-text and at the end of the document. You are required to have at least three sources to support your paper. One of these sources may be one of your course textbooks.This portion of the Course Project is due in Week 3. The Course Project components build upon each other and are added to the complete project due in Week 7.

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